Thursday, April 16, 2015

World War II

My undergraduate degree is in History and my favorite subject to study has always been WWII. I have looked forward to this unit all year and have so many different activities planned integrating all three subject areas (Writing, Reading, and Social Studies). We started the unit with a KWL and I was surprised (happily) that my students knew a few things about WWII:) However, there is so much more for them to learn! We are daily watching History Channel videos(2-4 minutes) geared towards that day's objective. They absolutely love these attention grabbers! Today we learned about different major battles. As a group activity I divided the students into groups (based on their learning ability and behavior) and had them to research specific questions with articles I provided them. They absolutely loved it! After they completed the group activity it was presentation time and they did a very good job.  As an individual assessment the students had to reflect about which battle was most interesting to them and why in 5-6 sentences. I look forward to tomorrow when they are doing individual research on different leaders. 

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